How to get a quote?
Send your RFQ data by e-mail or leave a message online, our sales team will be contacting with you or providing quotation in 8 hours (except weekend or holidays).
What information do you need for a quote?
We need 3D data or detailed 2D drawings, material of each part, required quantity, final finishing request...The file formats we can handle include: STEP, IGS, X_T, PRT, SLDPRT, STL, DWG, PDF etc.
How to rise a PO with us?
Just need to sign on formal quotation, and send back scan file to us, then a PO is released and work starts.
What is your lead time?
Normally small projects 3-7 days, medium projects 7-15days, big projects 15-30 days. DHL, UPS, FedEx will take about 3-5 days to reach you.
How to choose the right process for my prototypes?
It depends on your part design, functional intent, and material thickness. Generally speaking, larger parts or trade show models should use CNC milling; very thin parts should use SLS or SLA processes. For functional parts, should use similar production processes and use corresponded material per design (such as deep drawn stamping parts). Our engineer will guide you to select the right solution for your parts per your quality expectation and budget.
What is your tolerance?
General tolerance is +/-0.1mm. We can achieve +/-0.01mm or even higher tolerance if needed. No matter prototype stamping parts or CNC machining parts, we provide full inspection report.
What are your payment terms?
NET 30. We request 50% prepayment for new customers before project starts if the total amount is equal or higher than USD1000, the second 50% can be made as NET 30.